Position Available:
2021 Goathead Warriors Coordinator
Position Description
The Organization
Goathead Warrior’s mission is to eliminate puncturevine infestations in all neighborhoods & trails in the Greater Wenatchee/East Wenatchee area. Riding bicycles without flat tires and walking dogs without limping paws enhances the health and well being of our entire community. Covid makes healthy outdoor exercise more important than ever.
Our strategy includes volunteer warriors scouting neighborhoods, developing educational materials, working with local government agencies, maintaining a digital goathead map, etc. GW is the leading goathead eradication program in the United States. We are also a 501c3 non-profit.
Position Summary
This challenging position requires a range of leadership skills.
a) Help recruit, train and coordinate individual GW volunteers.
b) Work with volunteer service groups (Rotary clubs, church youth groups, boy scouts, etc.)
c) Coordinate our eradication effort with 12+ local government agencies.
d) Developing new educational resources (the GW website, brochures, educational videos, digital photography and videography, etc.).
e) Community outreach and education (radio interviews, newspaper & magazine articles, social media, etc.)
The ability to work independently in evaluating, planning and executing strategy is important. People and communication skills, positive energy and enthusiasm are essential.
Time Commitment: A flexible schedule from 20 - 40 hours / week from June through September. If the position and program are a good fit it can continue into 2022.
Compensation: $24 - $30 / hr DOE + bonus
For more information: www.goatheadwarriors.com
Interested? Email questions, a cover letter and/or your resume to Doug Pauly at: Goatheadwarriors@gmail.com.
Thank you!