Removal & Eradication
The key to success is early detection & rapid response!
Manual / Physical Removal
The key to eradicating goatheads is killing the plants before they form and drop thorns. Early detection and aggressive removal works. What doesn’t work is allowing goathead plants to form and then drop thorns. If a plant has formed thorns, the best removal strategy is cutting the plant’s central tap root with a shovel blade. When the tap root is cut, the plant is dead. There is no need to dig up roots. Plants without thorns can be left on the ground. Plants with thorns should be picked up and disposed of with regular garbage. We recommend utilizing these tools.
Herbicides are a good tool before the plant has formed thorns. If thorns are already on the vines, an herbicide will kill the plant but seeds inside the thorns drop to the ground and stay alive and viable. This guarantees the infestation will recur.
For more information about recommended herbicides, CLICK HERE.